The first non-stop art gallery in the world opened in Bucharest, Romania - "Tablouri de Vis by Mihai Ionescu"

The first non-stop art gallery in the world opened in Bucharest, Romania - "Tablouri de Vis by Mihai Ionescu"

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The opening event of the first art gallery in the world that operates 24/7 took place on 21.11.2024 in the heart of Bucharest. Dozens of paintings, dozens of artists and hundreds of guests enjoyed a rich menu and live music. Anyone visiting Bucharest must not miss this wonderful place!

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Pictura reprezinta cu siguranta materializarea cea mai graitoare a creativitatii omului in dovada vie ca spiritul artistic este menit si harazit doar Omului. Amestecul culorii si elaborarea formelor constituie in totalitate apanajul spiritului uman, al artistului ce lucreaza si se exprima pe sine pentru sine si pentru semenii sai!

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