Roxana Cretu

Roxana Cretu

100 Vizite
Welcome to my gallery, where creativity knows no bounds and every brushstroke tells a story. As a self-taught artist, I've embarked on a journey of exploration, finding inspiration in the world around me and honing my craft through trial, error, and endless curiosity. Painting has become more than just a hobby – it's a passion that allows me to express myself freely and share moments of joy with others through my art.

Each of my paintings is a unique creation, brought to life on canvas with love and dedication. Every piece reflects my personal journey and artistic vision.

I take pride in offering only original artworks, accompanied by certificates of authenticity, ensuring that each purchase is a genuine piece of artistry. Thank you for visiting, and i hope you find something that speaks to your soul and brings a touch of beauty into your life.

Strada Panselelor, nr 6, Bucuresti, Sector 4

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Pictura reprezinta cu siguranta materializarea cea mai graitoare a creativitatii omului in dovada vie ca spiritul artistic este menit si harazit doar Omului. Amestecul culorii si elaborarea formelor constituie in totalitate apanajul spiritului uman, al artistului ce lucreaza si se exprima pe sine pentru sine si pentru semenii sai!

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