Marcel Thiele

Marcel Thiele

645 Vizite
After 12 years of professional stability, Marcel Thiele gave up his top management positions in retail in order to fulfill his dream: to have his own painting workshop.

At the moment his works are already exposed in private properties in many European countries, but also in Brazil and USA.

Marcel Thiele, the German painter from Aachen, creates abstract paintings using powerful colors, but also pastels and fluorescent nuances. He works with different instruments and peculiar techniques.

In 2014 he exposed some paintings in “Atelierul de Productie” in Bucharest, during the fashion event of Ana Novic’s collection „One”. In December 2015, Marcel Thiele organized his second vernissage, in Dental One, a luxury dental clinic in Bucharest.

Lately, his atelier became one of the favorite locations for professional photo shootings, TV interviews with Celebrities and music videos.


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Pictura reprezinta cu siguranta materializarea cea mai graitoare a creativitatii omului in dovada vie ca spiritul artistic este menit si harazit doar Omului. Amestecul culorii si elaborarea formelor constituie in totalitate apanajul spiritului uman, al artistului ce lucreaza si se exprima pe sine pentru sine si pentru semenii sai!

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