Artist plastic

Artist plastic

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I studied painting in Romania to the Popular Art School "Tudor Jarda" from Cluj Napoca. Until now, I have participated to numerous exhibitions in Romania. These are some of them:

- November 2015 - Art Studio from Alba Iulia, Romania
- December 2015 - Artistic Connections - Library "Alexandru Aristia Aman" from Craiova, Romania
- February 2016 - Homage to sculptor Constantin Brâncuşi - Art Studio from Alba Iulia,Romania
- March 2016 - Flowers in Contemporary Art, exhibition at the Art Studio Gallery from Alba Iulia, Romania
- December 2016 - The Annual Art Gallery from the Art Studio, Alba Iulia, Romania
- November 2017 - Group exhibition at the Diverta Gallery, from Cluj Napoca, Romania
- February 2018 - Group exhibition "Variants for the soul" - Brisas Restaurant from Cluj Napoca, Romania
- March 2018 - Group exhibition - "Diverta" Art Gallery from Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- May 2018 "Dez-Balance" exhibition at the Botanical Garden from Cluj-Napoca organized by the "Tudor Jarda" Popular Art School,
from Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- May 2018 "Centenary Body and Soul" Exhibition - Art Gallery - organized by the "Tudor Jarda" Popular Art School from Cluj Napoca, Romania
- February 2019 - Exhibition "Evening Arts", organized by the "Tudor Jarda" Popular Art School from Cluj Napoca, Romania.
- August 2020 - Exhibition "Salonul Cluj Art" - organized by Cluj Art Gallery.
- August 2020 - Exhibition "Reflexii" at Casino Centrul de Cultura Urbana Art Gallery - organized by A.A.P. Cluj Napoca

Cluj Napoca

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